This script is an example for "client.create_interface". With this function you can access classes or functions provided by the game itself.
local ffi = require 'ffi'
typedef unsigned char wchar_t;
typedef bool (__thiscall *IsButtonDown_t)(void*, int);
local interface_ptr = ffi.typeof('void***')
local raw_inputsystem = client.create_interface('inputsystem.dll', 'InputSystemVersion001')
-- cast the lightuserdata to a type that we can dereference
local inputsystem = ffi.cast(interface_ptr, raw_inputsystem) -- void***
-- dereference the interface pointer to get its vtable
local inputsystem_vtbl = inputsystem[0] -- void**
-- vtable is an array of functions, the 15th is IsButtonDown
local raw_IsButtonDown = inputsystem_vtbl[15] -- void*
-- cast the function pointer to a callable type
local is_button_pressed = ffi.cast('IsButtonDown_t', raw_IsButtonDown)
local function run_command(cmd)
if is_button_pressed(inputsystem, 36) then -- ButtonCode_t for Z
print('Z is pressed')
return false
client.set_event_callback('run_command', run_command)